The story of "Cat Lotto"
five cats snooze each night downstairs. Each day when I get up,
I open the basement door and the cats come upstairs and start their
day. Sometimes the cats hold momentary positions on the steps, and
look up at me as though they are members of 1970's rock band who
are trying to look as cool as possible on their album. Other times,
the cats pretend to be "Bullet Trains" or football running
backs, and with no time at all they practically knock me over as
they zoom past in a crazed "we're ready to rock" phase.
Anyway, as time went on I began to take interest in which cats would
come upstairs first and in what order they would make their appearance.
Every time I opened the basement door it was a new result. I began
to try to guess which cats would appear first, and which feline
would be up last, etc.
The result, I had invented a silly game I called "Cat Lotto".
Needless to say, there is no real betting involved, this is just
a amusing distraction. My partner Julianna and I started Cat Lotto
sometime around 2001 and we would try to guess the order in which
the cats would come upstairs each day. Since then we've kept many
records of the five felines. The ultimate was to guess the order
of all 5 cats and once in a while one of us would succeed. The last
cat up was the "Power Cat". (Okay, maybe we need a life,
but making a game of it is one of the perks you get when you have
five cats.) Guessing the order of all five cats was much more difficult
than it seems.
many, many, many Cat Lotto events, it appears there was a similar
pattern, and for the most part, the order of appearance was KSCLB
-- Kitlette, Seymouria, Chesterfield, Leo, and almost always last,
Bellina, who apparently liked being the "Power Cat"...or
just liked sleeping later.