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Welcome to "My Cat Kicks Ass"

This is the place to be if you're proud of your feline and want to tell the entire world "My cat kicks ass!"
This site is all new, so I hope you'll bear with me on the construction. Stuff I'll probably be adding:
  • A Message Board.
  • Photo gallery
  • The complete story of my felines
  • A Fun Stuff page covers jokes, photos, and links to fun cat videos
  • Feline Info will cover things I've learned about my cats over time
  • Links - Feline sources of information and good deals

Feb 11, 2008 - Progress report

The message board has been installed! I'm still working out a few bugs integrating the menus with the forum before it officially goes public. Also, I'm going to make a minor change to the top of the page layout. After that, things will move forward at a faster rate and you will see the pages taking shape.
